Welcome to my portfolio. I have split it into two simple sections. First section includes various project writeups for [[practical experience]]. Second section is writeups for solutions to interesting [[coding problems]].
So far, I've completed a B.S. in CS from USC. I am also in progress of OMSCS at GA Tech while working full time [[Developing Landing Pages]] for client companies. In the next two months I am focusing academically on a few AI certs to fill in any potential knowledge gaps (working with performant C/C++, CUDA, fine-tuning, etc.).
I intend to also build a solid understanding of neuroscience and hardware engineering with the intent of driving [[BCI]] development further.
I am open to part-time or full-time opportunities related to AI Product Management, Software / Cloud Engineering, Mixed Hardware-Software Systems, AI Research etc.
Easiest way to get in touch about any inquiries is my [[contact]] page